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Sprache: Englisch
278 Seiten, with 2 figures, gebunden
ISBN: 978-3-8471-0979-2
V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 1. Edition, 2019
What is it like to be young and religious in migration society? This volume presents research at... mehr
Prayer, Pop and Politics

What is it like to be young and religious in migration society? This volume presents research at the intersection of religion, age and race. The chapters’ foci range from methodological challenges to conceptual work and empirical case studies. The authors present research on various religious traditions including contributions on young Alevis, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims, and apply an array of theoretical angles among them feminist, post- and de-colonial perspectives. Furthermore, the volume engages in the debate over novel conceptual frameworks attuned to investigate contemporary manifestations of youth religiosity, for example in digital spaces. The methodological chapters advocate for reflexivity in the context of empirical research on religion in migration society and promote a self-evaluative assessment of researchers’ positionalities.

Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16 x 23,7 x 2cm, Gewicht: 0,52 kg
Kundenbewertungen für "Prayer, Pop and Politics"
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    • Katharina Limacher (Hg.)
    • Dr Katharina Limacher is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna with a background in Religious Studies and Sociology, interested in religion and social theory.
    • Astrid Mattes (Hg.)
    • Dr Astrid Mattes is a postdoctoral researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences with a background in Political Science and Religious Studies, interested in the intersections of religion and politics.
    • Christoph Novak (Hg.)
    • Christoph Novak is DOC fellow of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Universities of Vienna with a background in Political Science and Urban Studies, interested in diversity and politics.
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