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Macht des Glaubens – 450 Jahre Heidelberger Katechismus

50,00 € *  (D)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage (Deutschland)


Sprache: Deutsch
460 Seiten, mit ca. 700 Abb.
ISBN: 978-3-525-55048-9
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1. Auflage 2013
The year 2013 will see a big anniversary: 450 years of Heidelberg Catechism. This Protestant... mehr
Macht des Glaubens – 450 Jahre Heidelberger Katechismus
The year 2013 will see a big anniversary: 450 years of Heidelberg Catechism. This Protestant confession was written in Heidelberg in 1563 on behalf of Frederick III, Elector Palatine and spread over the world when it was approved on the Synod of Dort in 1619. Since then the Heidelberg Catechism has shaped the spiritual and political life and became a symbol of change and departure from the old in Europe, America, and Asia. Even today the Heidelberg Catechism is the binding confession of the Reformed Church. It is in everyday use by more than 20 million people worldwide.In this exhibition book well known specialists in the field present how the Heidelberg Catechism spread and influenced culture, education and ecclesiastical life; they also show the context of its time and the courtly pomp of the electors and the House of Orange. Together with over 700 pictures illustrating the contributes and many objects in the exhibitions this documentation becomes an incomparable event!
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 24,5 x 28,5 x 3,3cm, Gewicht: 2,347 kg
Kundenbewertungen für "Macht des Glaubens – 450 Jahre Heidelberger Katechismus"
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    • Karla Boersma (Hg.)
    • Karla Boersma is director of operations of Refo500, the international platform for knowledge, expertise, ideas, products, and events, specializing in the 500 year legacy of the 16th century reformations and program director of the Coram Deo Program. She was co-editor of the exhibition books Power of Faith – 450 Years of the Heidelberg Catechism (2013) Macht des Glaubens – 450 Jahre Heidelberger Katechismus (2013) and God, Heidelberg en Oranje, 450 jaar Heidelbergse Catechismus (2013). Other...
    • Herman J. Selderhuis (Hg.)
    • Herman J. Selderhuis ist Professor für Kirchengeschichte an der Theologischen Universität Apeldoorn, Direktor von Refo500, Wissenschaftlicher Kurator der Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek sowie Präsident des Internationalen Calvinkongresses.