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Evangelisches Klosterleben

Studien zur Geschichte der evangelischen Klöster und Stifte in Niedersachsen

75,00 € *  (D)

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Sprache: Deutsch
394 Seiten, mit 39 Abbildungen
ISBN: 978-3-8471-0066-9
V&R unipress, 1. Auflage 2013
In Lower Saxony the Reformation did not lead to the dissolution of all monasteries, convents and... mehr
Evangelisches Klosterleben
In Lower Saxony the Reformation did not lead to the dissolution of all monasteries, convents and foundations; some continued as protestant monasteries, convents and foundations. The present volume begins by expounding the preconditions for the protestant “monastic landscape”: the alignment to the Württemberg model of reformation of monasteries and convents and the safeguarding of funding, which has made protestant monastic life possible to the present day. The central focus of the book is on studies on life in modern protestant monasteries, convents and foundations, their transition to Protestantism, day-to-day life and the life of worship in them. Individual monasteries and convents and nuns are presented as examples, highlighting the diverse ways of life. The final section comprises studies on the cultural tradition and how it has been handed down to the present day.The essays are based on lectures that were held in 2009 at the Medingen Convent on the invitation of the Society for the Ecclesiastical History of Lower Saxony.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16,3 x 24,5 x 3,1cm, Gewicht: 0,8 kg
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    • Hans Otte (Hg.)
    • Prof. Dr. Hans Otteist seit 1981 Direktor des Landeskirchlichen Archivs Hannover und lehrt niedersächsische Kirchengeschichte an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Göttingen.
Studien zur Kirchengeschichte Niedersachsens Zur gesamten Reihe