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Faith and Pestilence
This volume aims to take up the theme of the relationship between faith and pestilence, which, despite its topicality, is rooted in a long-term dimension that involves different areas of knowledge. A markedly disciplinary look brings...
40,00 €
Lived Religion and Lived Development in...
Based on the notion of lived religion, the volume seeks to elucidate the role of religion in contemporary society in an international and interdisciplinary perspective. It draws its inspiration from the works of Wilhelm Gräb, who in his...
Contextuality of the Bible in Lithuania until...
The collective book by Lithuanian researchers presents research conducted in Lithuania on the historical and socio-cultural contexts of the Bible and the ways in which it functioned in Lithuanian writing from its beginning to the 18th...
130,00 €
The Christological Metaphors of Wine, Water,...
When focusing on the sapiential traits in text of the Fourth Gospel, it should be noted that in its images of wine, water, and bread, connected by the common theme of eating and drinking, one can see Jesus the Giver, who, like the Old...
120,00 €
Philo of Alexandria and Philosophical Discourse
Greek authors likened “philosophical discourse” in the Hellenistic and Roman eras to an orchard. Logic, physics, and ethics served as the orchard walls, the trees, and the fruit of this enterprise. In a similar manner, this collection of...
Jerusalem in archäologischer, historischer und...
Die hier versammelten 20 Beiträge präsentieren in interdisziplinärer Kooperation die Resultate der in den letzten 20 Jahren durchgeführten Ausgrabungen im antiken Jerusalem und bieten eine durchgehende Rekonstruktion der Geschichte der...
90,00 €
The Creed of Nicaea (325)
This volume is the outcome of the first international conference held in Istanbul in December 2022 and promoted by the Fondazione per le scienze religiose. It delves deeply into the Council of Nicaea’s historical significance,...
45,00 €
Philosophische Theologie im Umbruch
Nach der Ortsbestimmung philosophischer Theologie und der Diskussion der Metaphysikkritik durch fideistische Theologie und Atheismus in den ersten beiden Bänden, geht es nun um Wegbahnungen zum Aufweis des Anwesens Gottes aus...
90,00 €
Streitkultur, Akteure, Wirkungen
Das Forschungs- und Editionsprojekt „Controversia et Confessio“ zählte von 2007 bis 2023 zu den geisteswissenschaftlichen Langzeitprojekten der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, im Rahmen des Akademienprogramms des...
99,00 €
His Spear Through My Side into Luther
In the Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Calvin claimed full agreement with Luther's doctrine of the unfree will and divine necessity. Some scholars argue however that Calvin was trying to create the appearance of unity and was...
130,00 €
Die Formierung der frühen Religionswissenschaft...
Wie entwickelte sich in China eine moderne Religionswissenschaft schon vor 1949? Welche Diskurse, Akteure und lokalen Kontexte trugen zu ihrer Adaption in einem außerwestlichen Kontext bei? Welche Transferkanäle und Motive waren...