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Religionsunterricht praktisch – 4. Schuljahr
144 Seiten, mit Kopiervorlagen, zahlr. Abb., DIN A 4
ISBN: 978-3-525-77646-9
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
8. Auflage 2011
“Teaching Religion Hands On” means a year’s worth of religion class with customized lessons,... mehr
Religionsunterricht praktisch – 4. Schuljahr
“Teaching Religion Hands On” means a year’s worth of religion class with customized lessons, teachings units and ready-to-use materials for the grade-school level. Each unit is preceeded by an outline of the theological and didactic materials that follow, providing an exact orientation to the content and goals of the lesson.A. Peace: “Shalom” for you and for me, for village and city, emphasis on mankindB. Third World: Learning from one another – Sharing with one another – There’s plenty for everyone through sharing and trust, emphasis on mankind C. Creation as a gift and a challenge: Life is secure in the hand of God, emphasis on God D. Noah, the ark and the rainbow: Beginning life anew, emphasis on GodE. Christmas: “... and Peace on Earth,” emphasis on Jesus Christ.F. Death and resurrection of Christ: Life will always be, emphasis on Jesus Christ G. The assembly and spread of the community: Taking the message of life from Jerusalem to Rome, emphasis on the ChurchH. Muslims and Jews: What others believe – How others live, emphasis on religions I. The Prophets: Jonah – Let Nineveh live on, emphasis on the Bible
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 21 x 29,7 x 0,8cm, Gewicht: 0,39 kg
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