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Gesichter eines Affekts

39,00 € *  (D)

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Sprache: Deutsch
370 Seiten, mit 1 Tab.
ISBN: 978-3-525-46251-5
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Shame is a feeling that occurs daily and is always embarrassing but never harmful. A moderate... mehr
Shame is a feeling that occurs daily and is always embarrassing but never harmful. A moderate feeling of shame can lead to better performance, development of autonomy and self-criticism. Only traumatic and chronic feeling of shame has a devastating effect: violence, self-damaging behaviour, addiction or suicide, withdrawal or destructive actions in psychotherapeutic therapy can be the consequences of chronic shame.In the 3rd revised and extended edition Micha Hilgers depicts the dynamics of shame conflicts in everyday life and during the treatment of psychotic and somatic disorders. Different types of shame (existential shame, falling short of the values of an ego-ideal and competence shame) are put into a comprehensive theoretical concept. Furthermore, possible verbal interventions in therapeutic settings are introduced. Healthy feelings of shame are considered and results of neuroscience are integrated into the concept. Several examples from medicine and psychotherapy illustrate the text and give practical guidance.In terms of social policy shame is discussed in connection with violence in family settings, migration, anti-social behaviour, right-wing extremism and the role of shame and shamelessness in modern media.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 12,3 x 20,5 x 2,6cm, Gewicht: 0,395 kg
Kundenbewertungen für "Scham"
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    • Micha Hilgers
    • Dipl.-Psych. Micha Hilgers ist niedergelassener Psychoanalytiker in Aachen und Supervisor psychiatrischer Einrichtungen; über fast zwei Jahrzehnte war er Berater einer forensischen Psychiatrie. Daneben Coaching und Beratung von Unternehmen, Institutionen und politischen Verbänden, Ausbildung von Psychotherapeuten und Psychoanalytikern.
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  • Andreas Dally  (Hg.),
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