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Quellenarbeit im Geschichtsunterricht

Die empirische Rekonstruktion von Kompetenzerwerb im Umgang mit Quellen

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Sprache: Deutsch
296 Seiten, mit 18 Abbildungen
ISBN: 978-3-8471-0301-1
V&R unipress, 1. Auflage 2014
For decades, using primary source evidence in the history classroom has been one of the few... mehr
Quellenarbeit im Geschichtsunterricht
For decades, using primary source evidence in the history classroom has been one of the few undisputable paradigms of history instruction in Germany. Consequently, gaining historical knowledge from primary sources has been a core element in modelling historical competencies. However, which competencies are being acquired or activated when students are faced with primary source evidence in everyday history lessons remains virtually unknown. In order to examine how students and teachers use primary sources, the author has filmed and analyzed more than forty history lessons using the documentary method. The results suggest that a certain amount of construction and the opportunity for cooperation are required in order to foster the competent use of primary sources. Instruction based on traditional teacher-centered classroom discussion, on the other hand, does not offer a suitable framework for competency-based historical learning.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16 x 23,5 x 1,9cm, Gewicht: 0,56 kg
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    • Christian Spieß
    • Dr. Christian Spieß promovierte von 2008 bis 2012 im DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1195 »Passungsverhältnisse schulischen Lernens« an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. Von 2012 bis 2014 absolvierte er das Referendariat am Studienseminar Oldenburg. Er ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik Zur gesamten Reihe