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Open Access

Der Porträtfilm erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit und ist in weiter thematischer und formaler Bandbreite im Kino und im Fernsehen zu finden. Und doch hat es noch keinen Versuch einer Systematisierung gegeben – dies liegt womöglich an der...
Open Access
Open Access

This volume aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of political, economic and cultural modernisation in the South Slavic countries as an ambivalent process that was open-ended and, above all, not solely oriented towards the...
Open Access
Culture as local practice embedded in sound emerges through inherent tensions between historical legacies and contemporary change, and between individual and community. These affect the construction, presentation and representation of...
Open Access
Open Access
Open Access
Open Access
Students of teacher education need to be prepared for increasingly diverse classrooms. Internationalising their studies is one way to make them aware of the many dimensions of diversity and prepare them for their future lives in the...
Open Access
Open Access
In Aristotle’s Poetics, the well-constructed turning point, peripeteia, makes a story by unfolding its tragic – or, more broadly, literary – potential. But neither narrative nor historical turning points occur in empty spaces. Given the...
Open Access
Der vorliegende Band umfasst Studien zum italienischen Libretto am habsburgischen Hof im Barock, die in Vorträgen bei einer internationalen Konferenz an der Universität Wien im Juni 2019 vorgestellt wurden, und hat das Ziel, weitere...
Open Access
How many languages did priests master? What was their literacy level? What did they copy and where? By addressing these and related questions, alternating between overviews and case studies, the essays in this volume aim to shed new...