Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses since 1918
With a foreword by Christoph Augustynowicz
- Christoph Augustynowicz
In 1918 the Danube Monarchy ceased to exist and its provinces became parts of the Monarchy’s successor states, which increasingly assumed the character of nation-states. The regimes of these countries were usually oblivious and/or hostile to remnants of the erstwhile Austrian rule due to ideological reasons: they treated them as traces of a superimposed imperial power and an alien – democratic, pluralistic, liberal – tradition. Notwithstanding that fact, erasing the Habsburg Empire from maps of Europe did not entail the entire cancelation of its legacy on the former Habsburg territories. Although officially neglected or suppressed, this legacy made itself felt, overtly or tacitly, in discourses present in the public sphere of the countries that superseded the Monarchy.
- Magdalena Baran-Szołtys (Hg.)
- Dr. Magdalena Baran-Szołtys ist Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlerin. Sie forscht am Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) der Universität Wien zu Reisen, Ungleichheits- und Transformationsnarrativen, der Beziehung zwischen Literatur und Politik sowie Ostmitteleuropa.
- Jagoda Wierzejska (Hg.)
- Dr Jagoda Wierzejska is a historian of contemporary literature and culture, an adjunct professor in the Department of Literature of the 20th and 21st century at the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland.
- Magdalena Baran-Szołtys (Hg.),
- Olena Dvoretska (Hg.),
- Nino Gude (Hg.),
- Elisabeth Janik-Freis (Hg.)
- Dana Lushaj (Hg.),
- Joanna Rozmus (Hg.),
- Yuriy Remestwenski (Hg.)
- Étienne Doublier (Hg.),
- Daniela Schulz (Hg.),
- Dominik Trump (Hg.)
- Peter Becker (Hg.),
- Therese Garstenauer (Hg.),
- Veronika Helfert (Hg.),
- Karl Megner (Hg.),
- Guenther Steiner (Hg.),
- Thomas Stockinger (Hg.)
- Carolina Rehrmann (Hg.),
- Rafael Biermann (Hg.),
- Phillip Tolliday (Hg.)
- Werner Telesko (Hg.),
- Stefanie Linsboth (Hg.),
- Sandra Hertel (Hg.)
- Michael Hochedlinger (Hg.),
- Petr Mat'a (Hg.),
- Thomas Winkelbauer (Hg.)
- Magdalena Baran-Szołtys (Hg.),
- Olena Dvoretska (Hg.),
- Nino Gude (Hg.),
- Elisabeth Janik-Freis (Hg.)
- Magdalena Baran-Szołtys (Hg.),
- Olena Dvoretska (Hg.),
- Nino Gude (Hg.),
- Elisabeth Janik-Freis (Hg.)
- Dana Lushaj (Hg.),
- Joanna Rozmus (Hg.),
- Yuriy Remestwenski (Hg.)