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Proust dixit ?

Réceptions de La Recherche dans l'autofiction de Serge Doubrovsky, Carmen Martín Gaite et Walter Siti

55,00 € *  (D)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten



Sprache: Französisch
299 Seiten, gebunden
ISBN: 978-3-8471-0570-1
V&R unipress, Bonn University Press, 1. Auflage 2016
Whether Proust’s research can be classified as autofiction is subject to debate. What is not... mehr
Proust dixit ?
Whether Proust’s research can be classified as autofiction is subject to debate. What is not debatable is its glorification as the founding of autofictive writing. Many authors praise Marcel Proust as a revolutionary, exalting him as a quintessential literate, if not even a patron saint of this controversially discussed genre. The present study examines Proust's reception as exemplified by three preeminent writers of autofiction in France, Spain and Italy. The Proustian reminiscences span an ambivalent adoption of metaphors relating to memory and death in Doubrovsky's postmodern autofiction, extending through the fantastic rewriting of Combray and the Temps retrouvé by Carmen Martín Gaite up to the ironic revision of the Albertine figure and Proust’s epiphany in Walter Sitis hyper-realistic autofiction.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16,5 x 24,2 x 2,5cm, Gewicht: 0,62 kg
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    • Claudia Jacobi
    • Dr. Claudia Jacobi hat im Rahmen des trinationalen Graduiertenkollegs der Universitäten Paris IV (Sorbonne) / Florenz / Bonn promoviert und ist derzeit Dozentin für romanische Literaturwissenschaft an der Universität Bonn.
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