Cultural Interaction Studies in East Asia
New Methods and Perspectives
New Methods and Perspectives
This volume tackles the unique scholarly challenges of Cultural Interaction Studies in an East Asian context. Leading experts in a variety of related fields – from religion and history to geography, language, literature, Sinology and Japanology – have contributed a total of 18 articles, collected under the following six rubrics: "New Directions in Regional Studies", "New Trends in Humanities Studies", "Material Circulation and Cultural Transmission in East Asia", "China’s Experience of Cultural Interaction with the West", "Transformation of Japanese Scholarship from Early Modern to Modern Times", and "The Wisdom of Selective Adaptation and Constructive Dialog". Among the eight award-winning contributors, Ge Zhaoguang (1950–) has received critical acclaim for his What is China? Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History (2014), while Nakanishi Susumu (1929–) has been internationally recognized for his lifelong devotion to the study of ancient Japanese literature. Nakanishi’s determination to inherit Prince Shotoku’s spirit of peaceful coexistence with Japan’s neighboring countries led him to propose the new era name "Reiwa", which was officially adopted for use by the Emperor Naruhito upon his enthronement on May 1, 2019.
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