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Sprache: Englisch
309 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-89971-681-8
V&R unipress, 1. Auflage 2011
The concept of a constant reformulation of the canon due to the notion of singularity or... mehr
The Case and the Canon
The concept of a constant reformulation of the canon due to the notion of singularity or irreducibility of the case can be applied in both scientific and literary fields. In this volume, dynamics of interconnections between the case and the canon are analysed by scholars belonging to different disciplines such as physics, medicine, biology, psychoanalysis, and literature. Particular attention has been given to the science of detection since the techniques of investigation are based on the scientific acquisition of evidence and often imply a scientific (abductive) process.The book is divided into two sections: Part I concentrates mainly on literary contributions and psychological issues, while part II concentrates on scientific enquiries. The contributions have been selected according to two main guidelines: The first covers anomalies, discontinuities, metaphors between science and literature. The second focus lies on the case in crime fiction: The scientist as detective and the detective as scientist.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16,3 x 24,5 x 2,5cm, Gewicht: 0,66 kg
Kundenbewertungen für "The Case and the Canon"
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    • Gastone Castellani (Hg.)
    • Gastone Castellani is laureated in Biology and Physics and is PhD in Physics. He is researcher at the Bologna University in Applied Physics-Biophysics. He holds the position of Associate Professor (Research) at Brown University, Providence RI USA.
    • Gabriella Morisco (Hg.)
    • Gabriella Morisco is Full Professor of Anglo-American Literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Urbino »Carlo Bo«.
    • Giorgio Turchetti (Hg.)
    • Giorgio Turchetti is Full Professor of Physics at the University of Bologna. Present positions: coordinator of the group of Complex Systems, director of the Centro Interdipartimentale L. Galvani.
Interfacing Science, Literature, and the Humanities / ACUME 2 Zur gesamten Reihe