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Reality and Truth in Literature

From Ancient to Modern European Literary and Critical Discourse

55,00 € *  (D)

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Sprache: Englisch
229 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-8471-0046-1
V&R unipress, 1. Auflage 2013
This study provides a critical survey of views on reality and truth in the realm of philosophy... mehr
Reality and Truth in Literature
This study provides a critical survey of views on reality and truth in the realm of philosophy and literary theory. Its aim is to show how important it is to focus our critical attention on literature itself as a way of conveying a general view of totality of things, with special attention to human life and death, effort and suffering, success and failure. A work of literature and art does not characterize experience and knowledge as such, but rather the response of concrete characters to the problems of human existence and fate. The monograph deals with pre-modern philosophical reflection on reality and truth, with post-modern ways of representation of reality in myth, history, biography, autobiography and fiction, and with sublime perceptions of beauty, love and forgiveness. The views of the writers show that there are important differences in presenting reality and truth in relation to material and historical facts. But the most important distinction is in dealing with dimensions of true life of human persons in their ineffable feelings and ideas.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16,3 x 24,5 x 1,9cm, Gewicht: 0,52 kg
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    • Irena Avsenik Nabergoj
    • Seit 2004 ist Dr. Irena Avsenik Nabergoj Forscherin am Wissenschaftlichen Forschungszentrum der Slowenischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste und an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Ljubljana. Außerdem ist sie an der Universität Nova Gorica als Dozentin für slowenische und vergleichende Literatur und Literarkritik tätig. Im Mai 2011 ist sie zur außerordentlichen Professorin im Fach »Literatur« ernannt worden.