Archaeology and Conservation along the Silk Road
Supported by Eurasia Pacific Uninet, the second international conference on “Archaeology and Conservation along the Silk Road” was jointly organized by Nanjing University China and Institute of Conservation, University of Applied Arts Vienna and held in May 2016 in China. Silk Road showcases the trans-continental cultural movements between Europe and Asia and this event encouraged researchers to reflect on popular as well as otherwise under-represented topics. This volume includes selected papers from the conference and merges aspects of archaeology with conservation. Subjects vary from field drawings, unique local techniques, spread of diseases and epidemics to DNA studies assessing population migration and mixture. Next Silk Road conference is planned for 2018 to carry forward the initiative of learning and exchange of knowledge.
- Liangren Zhang (Hg.)
- Liangren Zhang is professor of the School of History, Nanjing University. He studied Chinese archaeology in China, then Russian archaeology in the USA. He is currently running collaborative projects in Russia and Iran, with the objective of exploring the roles of the Altai region and northeast Iran in the West-East cultural interaction. He has published extensively on Chinese art and archaeology, and Russian archaeology.
- Gabriela Krist (Hg.),
- Martina Griesser-Stermscheg (Hg.)
- Claudio Seccaroni (Hg.),
- Marisa Laurenzi Tabasso (Hg.),
- Massimiliano A. Polichetti (Hg.)
- Christoph Augustynowicz (Hg.),
- Dietlind Hüchtker (Hg.),
- Börries Kuzmany (Hg.)
- Christian Fuhrmeister (Hg.),
- Barbara Kristina Murovec (Hg.)