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Die deutsche Stammzelldebatte
Eine exemplarische Untersuchung bioethischer Normenkonflikte in der politischen Kommunikation der Gegenwart
316 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-8471-0205-2
V&R unipress,
1. Auflage 2014
Bioethical questions play a significant role, both nationally and internationally, in the public... mehr
Die deutsche Stammzelldebatte
Bioethical questions play a significant role, both nationally and internationally, in the public debate during the last decades. Not only, scientists but also the general public are involved in discussing bioethical questions. This phenomenon of a broad discussion applies especially to the topic of embryonic stem cell research.Within the framework of this bioethical debate, important constitutional rights such as, the protection of the human dignity, the freedom of scientific research, as well as the right to life and the physical integrity, have to be balanced off. The rising standard norm conflicts of the stem cell debate can be seen as exemplary for the bioethical norm conflicts in related debates concerning green gene techniques or the pre-implantation diagnosis.The present study examines the political communication process on the stem cell issue, as it has developed between the different social and political groups in Germany, since the turn of the millennium. Included in this work are the specific prerequisites of the German debate due to the German history and its history of ideas. Furthermore, the differences of the German debate to similar discussions in Italy, the UK, the U.S. and Israel are addressed.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16 x 24 x 2,4cm, Gewicht: 0,66 kg
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- Alexandra Schwarzkopf
- Dr. Alexandra Schwarzkopf wurde im Jahr 2013 an den Universitäten Frankfurt am Main und Trento promoviert.
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