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Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Imperial – Inter/national – Decolonial
315 Seiten, with 5 figures, Onlinequelle (E-Library)
ISBN: 978-3-7370-1248-5
V&R unipress,
1. Edition 2024, 2023
The volume contains selected contributions to the Max Weber Foundation’s annual conference,... mehr
Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries
The volume contains selected contributions to the Max Weber Foundation’s annual conference, organised by the German Historical Institute Moscow. The contributors look at the crisis-ridden processes of modernity through the prism of individual biographies, which manifest themselves in national and social, anti-imperial and de-colonial, global, and regional movements. The contributions cover the Russian, Habsburg, and Ottoman Empires, Germany, Italy, the USA, France, the Soviet Union, Iran, Poland, Turkey, and Africa. They focus on transnational and trans-imperial life paths, networks and the imprints of the actors as well as forms of (auto)biographical self-constitution and the political use of biographical narratives.
Kundenbewertungen für "Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries"
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- Sandra Dahlke (Hg.)
- Dr Sandra Dahlke is director of the German Historical Institute in Moscow, Russia. Her research focuses on the History of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in the 19th–20th centuries. She is particularily interested in auto-/biographical writing and its connection to ideology/religion.
- Nikolaus Katzer (Hg.)
- Dr Nikolaus Katzer is professor (em.) of East European History at the Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg and director of the German Historical Institute in Moscow, Russia. His primary research interest is modern Russian history, with a particular focus on the political, cultural and social history of the Russian Civil War and the Brezhnev period.
- Denis Sdvizhkov (Hg.)
- Dr Denis Sdvizhkov is researcher at the German Historical Institute in Moscow, Russia. His main research interests are the semantics of social 18th–19th century, collective memory and temporal models in Imperial Russia.
Schriften aus der Max Weber Stiftung
Zur gesamten Reihe
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- Bernhard Bachinger (Hg.),
- Wolfram Dornik (Hg.),
- Stephan Lehnstaedt (Hg.)
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The Surviving Remnant
- Atina Grossmann (Hg.),
- Alexandra M. Kramen (Hg.),
- Tamar Lewinsky (Hg.),
- Avinoam J. Patt (Hg.)
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- Christoph Augustynowicz (Hg.),
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- Florian-Jan Ostrowski (Hg.)
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- Trygve Wyller (Hg.),
- Johanna Gustafsson Lundberg (Hg.),
- Niels Henrik Gregersen (Hg.)
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Making Saints in a “Glocal” Religion
- Birgit Emich (Hg.),
- Daniel Sidler (Hg.),
- Samuel Weber (Hg.),
- Christian Windler (Hg.)
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War with Byzantium
- Johannes Pahlitzsch (Hg.),
- Jörg Rogge (Hg.),
- Roman Shliakthin (Hg.),
- Ute Verstegen (Hg.),
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Studien zur Alten Musik in klösterlichen Archiven
- Martin Haltrich (Hg.),
- Jana Perutková (Hg.),
- Eva Veselovská (Hg.)
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