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Die Moderne und ihre Krisen

Studien von Marina Cattaruzza zur europäischen Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts

80,00 € *  (D)

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten



Sprache: Deutsch
481 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-89971-916-1
V&R unipress, 1. Auflage 2012, 2011
This volume assembles 15 of Marina Cattaruzza’s scientific articles that deal with the European... mehr
Die Moderne und ihre Krisen
This volume assembles 15 of Marina Cattaruzza’s scientific articles that deal with the European history of the 19th and 20th century, some of which are published in German for the first time. The festschrift was launched on the occasion of her 60th birthday by a group of students and friends from Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy. Despite finding new methodical approaches over again, Cattaruzza remained true to a number of topics: the history of the Danube Monarchy, the fate of minorities, questions of nationality – also in connection with social class –, the phenomenon of exclusion as well as forcible resettlements up to the historiography of National Socialism as well as the Shoa. The history of the Habsburg Monarchy and the dissolving of multinational empires as well as their consequences repeatedly reoccur in Cattaruzza’s reflexions thus granting her research about the European Modernity with unity and coherence.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16,3 x 24,5 x 3,6cm, Gewicht: 0,95 kg
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    • Sacha Zala (Hg.)
    • Dr. Sacha Zala, geb. 1968, studierte Geschichte, Politikwissenschaft und Staatsrecht an der Universität Bern und an der University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Er ist Direktor der Forschungsgruppe der Diplomatischen Dokumente der Schweiz sowie Assoziierter Forscher an der Universität Bern.