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Einwanderung und Politik

Historische Erinnerung und Politische Kultur als Gestaltungsressourcen in den Niederlanden, Schweden und Kanada

65,00 € *  (D)

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Sprache: Deutsch
332 Seiten, mit 7 Tab.
ISBN: 978-3-89971-137-0
V&R unipress, 1. Auflage 2004
For some years now, global migration has dominated political debate in Europe and Northern... mehr
Einwanderung und Politik
For some years now, global migration has dominated political debate in Europe and Northern America. In the 1970s, while Germany pursued a head-in-the sand policy with regard to migration and ethnic diversity, the Netherlands, Sweden and Canada drew the consequences of migration. They permitted people from other cultures to participate in shaping the future of their countries. This gave rise to changes that encompassed all parties concerned. By challenging the notion of a homogenous national "dominant culture", it was possible to make use of migration as an innovative resource for societal development. The author discusses the prerequisites for these political modernisation processes.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16,4 x 24 x 2,8cm, Gewicht: 0,62 kg
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    • Christiane Harzig
    • Dr. Christiane Harzig ist zurzeit als Professorin am Department of History der Arizona State University tätig.
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