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Studies on Religious Social Practice

Studies on Religious Social Practice

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Studies on Religious Social Practice publishes research on the social impact of religion. Open...mehr

Studies on Religious Social Practice publishes research on the social impact of religion. Open for contributions from across the humanities and social sciences, its focus is the role of religion at the micro, meso and macro levels of society. Religion is thereby understood in a deliberately broad sense, encompassing institutionalised religious communities but also forms of lived religion in different contexts – local, national, and international.

While drawing inspiration from the discipline of diaconal studies, the study of Christian social practice, the series moves beyond the confinements of a single religious tradition and investigates religious social practices in different religious perspectives. Similarly, its thematic scope is thereby deliberately wide, including but not limited to, religious social services, religion and inequalities, religion and ecology, religion and politics and other fields. It is a specific aim to provide a forum for research in the emergent field of religion and development. In this vein, the study of religious social practice provides a conceptual space for research with and without explicit reference to the concept of development and which overcomes the global South/global North dichotomy.

Embedded in the international collaborative framework of the International Network on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development, the book series Studies in Religious Social Practice also complements the network’s journal Religion & Development. It seeks to provide a forum for book publications emerging from collaborative initiatives within the network as well as individual scholars who are part of it. At the same time, the seeks to provide a wider platform for book publications beyond the network’s immediate context. Ultimately, the series aims to contribute to shaping the Study of Religious Social Practice as an academic field focusing on the impact of religion in society in international, transdisciplinary and multireligious perspectives.

Studies on Religious Social Practice