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Diese Reihe befasst sich mit wichtigen Fragen in den ostasiatischen Geisteswissenschaften und...mehr
Diese Reihe befasst sich mit wichtigen Fragen in den ostasiatischen Geisteswissenschaften und Gesellschaftswissenschaften aus heutiger, globaler Sicht. Die Reihe hat besondere Bedeutung, weil Ostasien, geführt von China, eine führende Position in der Wirtschaft, der Politik und in der Kultur einnimmt, und westliche Wissenschaftlicher sich schwer tun, diese Phänomene zu begreifen und damit umzugehen. Da die Autoren und Herausgeber der Bände ein sehr vertrautes, inniges Verständnis dieser Phänomene und deren möglichen Konsequenzen haben, sind die Bände eine wertvolle Hilfe, um mit dem aufsteigenden Ostasien zurecht zu kommen.Alle Bände der Reihe sind peer-reviewed.
Global East Asia
This collection of essays explores the resilience and relevance of an ancient yet still vital teaching, Confucianism, for the century ahead and beyond, finding in its many dimensions insights meaningful for the personal, ethical,...
55,00 €
This volume tackles the unique scholarly challenges of Cultural Interaction Studies in an East Asian context. Leading experts in a variety of related fields – from religion and history to geography, language, literature, Sinology and...
45,00 €
After the arrival of Buddhism toward the end of the Eastern Han dynasty (25–220), Buddhism found itself in a fierce conflict with indigenous Chinese thought. The controversies between Confucianism and Buddhism reached their peak in the...
35,00 €
This study is an attempt to reorient the field of Chinese linguistics from the perspective of the new field of cultural interaction studies. The author, approaching Chinese linguistics from the periphery, examines such topics as the...
The book is divided into two parts, namely, “Japanese Philosophy: Teaching and Research in the Global World;” and “Japanese Philosophy as an Academic Discipline.” In the first part, there are reports of the situation of teaching and...
50,00 €
The essays collected in this volume establish Confucian role ethics as a term of art in the contemporary ethical discourse. The holistic philosophy presented here is grounded in the primacy of relationality and a narrative understanding...
The book presents Chinese historical thinking by four articles. It is covered the ancient origin and the development to modernity and is commented by seven international experts. Presentation and comments find ›second...
The global expansion of judicial powers makes no exception to Asia. Most noticeable is the judicial expansion in tandem with unprecedented political and legal reforms that have occurred in the two Asian new democracies – Taiwan and South...
55,00 €
This book uses a cultural interaction approach to discuss numerous temples and shrines of Sinitic origin that house Daoist, Buddhist, and folk gods. Such deities were transmitted outside the Chinese continent, or were introduced from...
65,00 €
This volume tells the story of the importance of the Confucian traditions and why and how Confucian texts were reinterpreted within the different ambiances and contexts around East Asia. The vitality of East Asian Confucianisms stems...
55,00 €