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Conceptualisation as a Biocognitive Phenomenon and Part of the Faculty of Language

Conceptualisation as a Biocognitive Phenomenon and Part of the Faculty of Language

Cross-linguistic Evidence from the Preposition Category

ca. 45,00 € *  (D)

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Erscheint im Mai 2025


Sprache: Englisch
ca. 246 Seiten, gebunden
ISBN: 978-3-8471-1845-9
V&R unipress, 1. Edition, 2025
The volume addresses the issue of the faculty of language as a biocognitive phenomenon dealing... mehr
Conceptualisation as a Biocognitive Phenomenon and Part of the Faculty of Language
The volume addresses the issue of the faculty of language as a biocognitive phenomenon dealing with diverse aspects related to the category of prepositions on the basis of examples from selected languages. The choice of this category was determined by the highly polysemous and fuzzy nature of prepositions. Based on the empirical evidence concerning selected prepositions of some Slavic, German and Romance languages, individual chapters discuss (i) the status of the case assigned by a preposition, (ii) learning and processing of prepositions, (iii) prototypes and metaphorical extensions, (iv) axiology and valuation as well as (v) category overlap. The volume brings together the generative and cognitive perspectives, both usually treated as opposing, by demonstrating the central role of conceptualisation seen as a multisensory phenomenon including emotions in the faculty of language highlighting the notion of embodiment.
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