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Records – Management – Archives
239 Seiten, with 25 figures, Onlinequelle (E-Library)
ISBN: 978-3-7370-1747-3
V&R unipress,
1. Edition 2025, 2024
In the ten articles featured in this volume, the contributors initiate a discussion on how and to... mehr
Records – Management – Archives
In the ten articles featured in this volume, the contributors initiate a discussion on how and to what extent political changes, armed conflicts, economic, social and technological transformations that have taken place in Central and Eastern Europe over the decades have influenced the process of creating historical sources, their preservation and accessibility. Each author has attempted to document significant transformations, both past and present, in order to reveal their impact on records, management and archives. The partitions of Poland, political events, World War II and the war in Ukraine, digitalisation, the legal environment of the European Union, the development of information technologies, and the activities of community archives are just a few examples of the factors that influence how historical sources are created, archived, preserved or destroyed.
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- Marlena Jabłońska (Hg.)
- Prof. Marlena Jabłońska is a researcher and university lecturer at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland. She specialises in archival methodology, records management and communication in archives.
- Marcin Smoczyński (Hg.)
- Dr Marcin Smoczyński is an academic teacher at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and researcher with a particular interest in records management and ICT in office work.
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