Katrin Stumptner
Katrin Stumptner, Gründungsmitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gruppenanalyse mit Kindern und Jugendlichen e. V., ist als niedergelassene Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin in Falkensee bei Berlin tätig und zudem Gruppenlehranalytikerin, Dozentin und Supervisorin am Berliner Institut für Gruppenanalyse (BIG).
Katrin Stumptner graduated as a music therapist from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and also studied theater and film studies in Berlin. She has been a registered psychotherapist for children and young people since 2000 and trainer and supervisor for group analysis (D3G / EGATIN) at the Berlin Institute for Group Analysis (Berliner Institut für Gruppenanalyse e. V., BIG) and at the Institute for Group Analysis Heidelberg (Institut für Gruppenanalyse Heidelberg, IGAH). She is a founding member of the Working Group for Group Analysis with Children and Adolescents (GaKiJu e. V.). Her particular focus is on scenic understanding in small and large group sessions in connection with transgenerational and transcultural contexts.