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Editing the Septuagint: The Unfinished Task
Papers presented at the 50th anniversary of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Denver 2018
242 Seiten, with 4 Fig., gebunden
ISBN: 978-3-525-56063-1
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
1. edition, 2022
The Greek Old Testament, commonly known as Septuagint, has its origins in Ptolemaic Egypt. Egypt... mehr
Editing the Septuagint: The Unfinished Task
The Greek Old Testament, commonly known as Septuagint, has its origins in Ptolemaic Egypt. Egypt developed into a strongly bilingual country, and in the fourth century CE, when Christianity was on firmer ground in Egypt, the Septuagint was translated into Coptic. The intertwined and prolific relation between the Greek and the Coptic Old Testament is now aptly reflected also in the joint ventures of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Since the 19th century, Göttingen was and is the global center of Septuagint research. In 2015, a new Academy project started, which deals with the translation of the Septuagint into Coptic-Sahidic: “Digitale Gesamtedition und Übersetzung des koptisch-sahidischen Alten Testaments”. Finally, in 2020, the new long-term project “Die Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters” started at the Göttingen Academy. Both projects work closely together, and the present volume is one of the results of this fruitful collaboration.
Weitere Details:
Maße (BxHxT): 16 x 23,7 x 2,1cm, Gewicht: 0,526 kg
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- Felix Albrecht (Hg.)
- Felix Albrecht (Dr. theol., geb. 1981) forscht seit 2008 an der Göttinger Akademie der Wissenschaften zur Septuaginta, das ist die griechische Übersetzung des hebräischen Alten Testaments. Seit Beginn des Jahres 2020 leitet er das Akademievorhaben "Editio critica maior des griechischen Psalters". Zudem ist er Vorstandsmitglied und Secretary der International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Im Zentrum seines Interesses steht die griechische Bibel im Kontext des...
- Frank Feder (Hg.)
- Dr. Frank Feder ist Arbeitsstellenleiter Akademievorhaben „Digitale Gesamtedition und Übersetzung des koptisch-sahidischen Alten Testaments“ an der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen.
De Septuaginta Investigationes (DSI)
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