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Der Donauraum 2011 Jg. 51, Heft 1: Remembrance Culture, Politics of Memory and Education in Europe

Der Donauraum 2011 Jg. 51, Heft 1: Remembrance Culture, Politics of Memory and Education in Europe

Zeitschrift des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa

11,00 € *  (D)

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Sprache: Deutsch
ca. 0 Seiten, Paperback
ISBN: 978-3-205-78823-2
Böhlau Verlag Wien
«Especially since the 1990s, and even more intensely since September 11th, the Europe of culture... mehr
Der Donauraum 2011 Jg. 51, Heft 1: Remembrance Culture, Politics of Memory and Education in Europe

«Especially since the 1990s, and even more intensely since September 11th, the Europe of culture or Europe as ‘family of nations’ has been discussed again […]. [T]he articles in this volume of ‘Der Donauraum’ try to reframe concrete examples of historical memories and the political strategies involved – both on national and the European levels.” Rathkolb/Šebek, Introduction

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